Cross of Advent. Today I was eating with my brothers-Orue Euba. In the morning we had shared so much in prayer and in the family reunion. Good atmosphere.
is the cross that crossing our country and this weekend happens here. Us together and unites us.
For that, he was eating when the phone has rung. Normally I would have left the room to go to a more discreet but today I had the urge to stay where I was. With my brothers.
I called a friend. The usual. Many years and experiences. As in all friendships, there were amazing days, happy and some very sad moments, but in one way or another there, giving content to stories that have helped us grow.
Yes, she is young, has two daughters and is married. With another friend. Well, well. And it has a breast cancer. With all that this entails.
The ease with which the news has given me has been shocking. And the first time that has been seized speech as well. The joy that reigned in the dining room conversation just moments ago, was becoming a heavy uncertainty.
is incredible. Within the pain and everything that will come, I spoke of the opportunity if it is to enjoy life more. It reminded me how much people spend day after day without making sense of what living. A further incentive has to enjoy and life filled with illusion.
When we speak of Advent, of waiting, the one who comes, I often ask that we have to release one that we will come to us. A cross over in the list of Advent. And the truth lately are a few.
I just want you to know that I join all your feelings and your family. That part of my heart is attached to your person in these difficult times. From the silence and the deepest love for our friendship.
And yes, hang nothing I shared the news with my brothers. Why not?. And we continued eating. And talking.
No thank you and all you have taught me throughout life. Today once again. In your cross and many other people joined us and so we lift our prayer to the good and merciful God, to join us in the dark and difficult situations.
Come quickly, come to save us!
receive a hug in the Lord.