Hi everyone! How are you? Here the discursive and have recovered from the blindness of a strong reading night and we agreed to make the review as a whole. This is the first we do together (quiet, we do not bend the joint, which I saw so long that hyperventilation would XDDDD) and has been quite fun ( know: the blooming and the dictator ... bad combination! XD ) . The best thing is that both agree on the same.
And before you start, we want to thank the editorial SM for giving us the opportunity to read the book online and share with you our views shortly before his departure for sale .
FichaTécnica :
Title: Delirium
Saga: Trilogy Delirium (1 of 3)
Author: LaurenOliver
Category: Youth (13 to 18 years)
Page Count: 448
depublicación Date: March 2011
Price: € 15.95
ISBN: 9788467547337
Sinamore A life is a life without pain: safe, measured, predictable and happy. For esocuando the inhabitants of this city XXII century are 18 years sesometen intervention, which involves removal of part delcerebro that controls emotions. Lena currently waiting impatiently, until one day he falls in love ...
dellibro Quote:Amo.Recuerda you. That can not take it off.
In this society we find Lena Haloway , laprotagonista and narrator of the story. Lena has known very UpClose disease and has seen what he can do with someone, and for that reason, porqueella firmly believes that love is a disease that comes to kill, the expected temey forward to the day of its operation to finally will be saved. However with neither Lena is that nobody had before sudecimoctavo birthday meet someone who would open his world, someone who ledescubrirá the lies that have surrounded his life, someone who actually love ledemostrará that causes pain, but it is a tanmaravillosa feeling that makes really worthwhile.
dellibro Quote:sesentay four years ago that the president and the Consortium classified comoenfermedad love, and for forty and three scientists found a way decurarlo. All other members of my family have already been made laintervención. My older sister, Rachel, is nine years laenfermedad free. He has lived so long to save the love that says that no longer remembers Siqueiros symptoms. I have a date for my operation within ninety days exactly ycinco on 3 September. It's my birthday.
The story that presents Delirium is really interesting and very well plotted. Porun side note is an introductory book, but another as esrealmente tells us needed to understand this new society, customs, susnormas, their barriers, to understand why people who yearn for a cure, And why there are people who deny it. We can not say untema entirely original question, as we have seen hints as apelículas both books, however we recognize that we are also intrigued. Haygiros totally unexpected in the plot leaves you with an open mouth, yotros you know that sooner or later come. Special mention to that end tanabierto (which falls within the group of things you expect them to go ... nonecesariamente well, but it was sung that something would happen long before) that leaves you with the heart into a fist and with a desire to read elsiguiente terrible book, for which, unfortunately, we'll have to wait untiempo. However, they also tell you that at the end we saw similarities concert book, and we fear that the consequences which the authors will describe next will be similar as well ... We would very much take a buenasorpresa, really.
As for characters, we must recognize that we have been delighted. Lena is a shy girl who is afraid to do anything that causes asus talk back, they have had enough in his short life because of her family . is obsessed with the disease and just wants to get a good evaluaciónpara study at university, that the match with someone and live a vidafeliz and safe for the rest of his days . And although at first believe Whatis a coward, you will be surprised what really keeps inside and what I can risk over the course of history.
Quote dellibro:- quétienes What fear? He asks.-Tienesque understand that I just want to be happy, I can barely pronounce laspalabras. My mind is a fog, is full of smoke, there's nothing more quesus dancing and sliding fingers on my skin, my hair. Hopefully pudieraparar. I wish to continue forever. I just want to be normal, like everyone elmundo.- Estássegura to be like everyone else will make you happy?
Citadel book-Nogot to worry about, okay? You need not be afraid, "his voice brillaotra time. I'm not trying to flirt with you.Lavergüenza invades me. Flirting. A dirty word. He thinks I think estácoqueteando.
On the other hand we have Hana's best friend, Delena; a darling girl, frank, courageous, spontaneous and enabsoluto not agree with healing, so it will give you more of a headache with its new wing leading rebellion. We assure existenteentre them that friendship is really nice at the same time discouraging, since in elmomento in which one of them all will be cured .
But of course, can not miss the person quel Lena made to understand what love is, and that figure we see in Alex elpersonaje of ; a real charming guy . Gently, cariñoél delivery and guides it to a totally unknown world of which she has been hastaahora . will show that there is nothing wrong to feel joy, sadness, longing, need, freedom, anger, love, pain ... and lots of feelings that Lena kept to himself as dirty eilegal, a disease that should be exterminated . We teach that there is only offer sad to feel indifference, remain constantly stayed in vacuum unmundo emotions.
dellibro Quote:[...] merecuerda a discussion I held a few weeks ago with Alex, because he atacabala cure utility. I said without love was not hate, violence and hatred nohabía. "Hatred is not the most dangerous," he said. "It laindiferencia."
The relationship between the protagonists relativamentealta is important in this book , say that it is almost as important, quieredecir that which does not detract, besides being beautiful and emotional relationship is also highly instructive in society as cruel and strict, where the least affected is punishable by law . But let's not forget lossecundarios, which also have their weight and well-defined personality inthe history, and a few more than we can even think at first.
On the issue obviously not yet podemoshablar physical book, as we agreed to it by a archivoonline. However, it certainly is in line with other laeditorial books, which have very successful editions. What I podemosadelantaros is that each chapter has a specific appointment dediferentes extracted sources as the manual for public health to be observed by citizens of the new company or of the Bible, among many others.
lomalo What? worst we have encountered has been the delight of the authors give descriptions of absolutely everything they see, feel or think Lena.Lejos as necessary for palpable feeling this world, we hanllegado to be tiring, repetitive and even boring, and ralentizanmucho reading the book, making it becomes quite dense. This haprovocado the pace we have been somewhat irregular as soon ocurríaalgo interesting as we returned to have the constant ramblings laprotagonista turning to the same thing over and over again but with distintaspalabras, not to mention that in general the action parts are very few ypoco spectacular, except the final. To give you an idea, there unmomento in the book that should be an exciting adventure that constantly nosmantuviese expectation (at least in some parts), but its many descriptions autoracon does seem rather campoobservando a walk through the landscape. Undoubtedly the most interesting were the talks, and sometimes absent from many pages of descriptions ydivagaciones. A real shame, although our simple opinion.
Another aspect that we want to stress is relative to the originalidaddel book, which we mentioned earlier. It is true that at first glance lahistoria is the most innovative, with a plot tacked and untrasfondo very very interesting. However, once we move into lahistoria we realized that this was a story that we habíancontado (eg Equilibrium, a film with a story semejantesituada also in a dystopian future where emotions have been expulsadasde humanity are controlled by a drug, not an operation comosucede in this book trilogies The Giver or even Games delhambre) . Mind you, this is not to say that history is bad or muchomenos, but is not as original as we thought it would at first.
dellibro Quote:The segundavez that broke my world was also a word. A word that fuesaliendo of my throat and came dancing to my lips and flowed before Quey could think about it, or stop it.The preguntaera: "Do you want to be with me tomorrow?"And the word "Yes"
Conclusion: A new saga youth has a highly elaborate plot einteresante, and real and charismatic characters to which terminasadorando and admire for their courage and strength. A promising principiobastante story so heartbreaking and ending that leaves you breathless, frustrated by not get your hands on this long-awaited sequel. A cold engañosoy world free of wars, chaos, hate, crime, divorce, etc., But lacking detodo kinds of emotions, will and hope. Delirium is following close yaunque there to consider that this is a very introductory book, Dondena presented gradually and in great detail the dystopian world in queviven the characters, hopefully in the next deliveries come cargadasde more action and unforgettable moments.
Final Note:
A big kiss to everyone! _
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