Sunday, March 27, 2011

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Poll Results and 2 New Sections

Hi everyone!! Today we present two new sections to inaugurate in brief in the blog: Wandering with ... and Reviews Express. One of them begin in a few days, and the other does not take much longer to be released, so stay tuned ^ __ ^

Wandering with ...

rather special section that we do when we want, sinperiodicidad whatsoever. It is devoting a month to a book adaptacióncinematográfica we have love in all its aspects, and we spend all that time quemerece. Any idea with which we start? (Jujuju).

Express Reviews

As you pray the section title, these reviews in the quenas wandering in excess ... There are two reasons why we decided incluireste types of reviews:

1) Let us not much time apetezcadedicarle a book to review it, usually because we hagustado too much, because our review elaboracióndetrás take their time.

2) When two managers with similar tastes will give laocasión in which one of us read a book that has already reviewed the other. Inthis case does not make a proper review, but if we want more of a personal opinion sehará saying what we thought the book inquestion, without analyzing it thoroughly.

This type of review will be included in the reviews by title and porautor, not to make a new index, so close together they shall be to all take care to differentiate right fibula.

SURVEY RESULTS "you prefer the IMM ..."

The survey is complete and videos have won by 20 votes, so we will combine videos and photos, but only when the number of books permitted to make only one video (and You know the little problem you have with your camera ...). Arse That if the next IMM, which will hang this week with pictures, because we had already scheduled in this manner.

Here is the image of the result of the survey. Many thanks to everyone s for rating!

U besote n everyone!

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The Magisterium of the Church on social networks

The term "network" entered the Magisterium of the Church since 2009. He was in Pope's Message for World Day XLIII Communications that year was held on 24 May and dealt with the issue " New technologies, new relationships. Promoting a culture of respect, dialogue, friendship . "

media in general, the teachings and values \u200b\u200bof the Church are plentiful: from the Council document "Inter Mirifica " (1963), through the annual messages to the conference dedicated specifically to social communication (The first is of Paul VI and dates from 1967) to the Apostolic Letter of John Paul II, " The rapid development of media 'of January 24, 2005.

Internet in particular has also attracted the attention of teachers. The result of this consideration are the documents of the Pontifical Council for Social Communications' Ethics internet "and" The Church and Internet ", both of 28 February 2002.

The first provides, in four parts, disturbing findings about the Internet and moral recommendations, the second in three parts, is built around opportunities and challenges that the Internet presents the Church, and then outline some recommendations.

The reflection on the digital world has been accompanied by practical work on it: the online institutional portal of the Holy See was born just months after the world wide web was operating. And throughout this time, also with the further development and specific social networks, the evangelizing efforts of the Church has taken shape with specific projects and official YouTube, Facebook , Blogger and Twitter .

Going to the point of church teaching on social networks, what is it and where is it? What sub-topics touched in a more incisive?

The message alluded at the beginning was the first but not the only place where Benedict XVI offered an initial assessment of the approach-sometimes called 'social network. " In 2010 and 2011 has returned to play related topics.

, 2009 The message type may be considered "phenomenological" substantially since the last two checks: one on the use and benefits when he says:

"The easy access to mobile phones and computers, combined with the global reach and the widespread presence of Internet, have multiplied the means to instantly send words and images over long distances and even the most remote places in the world. This possibility was unthinkable for previous generations. Especially young people have realized the enormous potential of new media to facilitate connection, communication and understanding between people and communities, and use them to get in touch with friends, meeting new friends, to create communities and networks for information and news to share their ideas and opinions. In this new culture of communication derive many benefits: families can stay connected even though its members are far away from each other, and students and researchers with easy and immediate access to documents, sources and scientific discoveries, and thus working in collaboratively from different locations, in addition, the interactive nature of new media provides more dynamic forms of learning and communication that contribute to social progress. "

and a second might be called "anthropology of social networks" because of the popularity they have and the human need to which they respond:

"[...] their popularity among users [...] responds to the fundamental desire of people to enter into relationship each other. This desire for communication and friendship is rooted in our human nature and can not adequately understood as a response to technological innovations. The desire to stay in touch and the instinct for communication, which seem obvious in contemporary culture are basically modern manifestations of the fundamental and enduring tendency of humans to go beyond himself to enter into relations with others. "

In message for World Day of Social Communications, 2009 also a reflection-up call about a concept which often revolve around human relationships: that of "friendship." It is a further deepening and original contribution was a novel by the Supreme Pontiff, not only in Catholic circles:

"The concept of friendship has been a resurgence in the vocabulary of digital social networks have emerged in recent years. This concept is one of the noblest achievements of human culture. In our friendships, and through them, we grow and develop as human beings. Precisely for this reason has always been considered the true friendship as one of the greatest goods that can be humans. Therefore, it has to be careful not to trivialize the concept and experience of friendship. It would be sad if our desire to establish and develop online friendships outside of our availability deteriorating family, neighbors and those we meet in our daily reality in the workplace, at school or during free time. Indeed, when the desire for virtual connection becomes obsessive, the consequence is that the person is isolated, disrupting its interaction real social. This ultimately alter the rhythms of rest, silence and reflection are necessary for healthy human development. "

The following year, 2010, the message for the day of social communications was entitled " The priest and pastoral ministry in a Digital World: new media at the service of the Word " . The general context of priestly year gave the Pope the opportunity to review some points about the role of priest in the digital world.

Benedict XVI's message begins with a necessary clarification: "The primary task of the priest is to proclaim Christ, the Word of God made flesh, and the communication of divine grace that saves us through the Sacraments. " On that basis touches three most: 1) the risks and opportunities for priests, 2) the actual action of the priest in the digital world and 3) the specificity of the set in general in social networks.

On the first point states:

"the growing multimedia and a variety of functions that are in communication, may involve the risk of use dictated primarily by the mere requirement to be present, considering internet only, and erroneously, as a space to be filled. On the contrary, calls to priests the ability to participate in the digital world in constant fidelity to the Gospel message, to exercise their role as leaders of communities that are increasingly expressing through the many "voices" that emerged in the digital world. Must announce the Gospel using not only traditional media but also those provided by the new generation of media (photo, video, animations, blogs, web sites), sometimes unreleased dialogue and instruments for the evangelization and catechesis '.

On the second point reminds

"In contact with the digital world, the priest should be transparent, rather than the hand of a user simple means, their closeness to Christ who gives soul to the pastoral commitment not only of its own, but the continuous flow of communication of the 'network'. Also in the digital world, it must show that the loving concern of God in Christ for us is not a thing of the past, nor the learned theory, but a concrete reality and actual. Indeed, the pastoral in the world must show the people of our time uncertainty and confusion today that "God is near that in Christ we all belong to each other. Who better than a man of God can develop and implement, through his competence in the field of new media, a ministry that make God alive and present in the reality of today? Who better than him to present the religious wisdom of the past as a treasure to fall back to live with dignity today and properly build the future? ".

And on the third point emphasizes:

"who works as set out in the media have the task of paving the way for new meetings, maintaining the quality of human contact and care to people and their genuine spiritual needs. Rightful provide men and women of our time 'digital' signs to sense the Lord give them the opportunity to grow in expectation and hope, and to approach the Word of God who saves and fosters human development. The Word can sail offshore to the many crossroads created by the dense network of highways of cyberspace, and affirm the right of citizenship of God in every age, so that he can advance through new forms of communication through the streets of cities and to stop at the threshold of our homes and hearts .... "

In XLV message for World Communications Day Social 2011 (June 5, 2011) the Pope turned to address the third consecutive year the field of social networks. The title of the message, "Truth and authenticity of life announcement in the digital age, it was already indicative and eloquent as bringing attention to an often forgotten on the Internet under: consistency.

The first consideration is part of the deepening between three concepts: respect, information and 'profile' staff. Benedict says:

"transmit information in the digital world means more and more enter in a network in which knowledge is shared in the field of personal exchanges. Relativizing the distinction between producer and consumer of information and communication and is not limited to data exchange, but you want to share. This dynamic has contributed to a renewed appreciation of the act of communicating, mostly considered as a dialogue, exchange, solidarity and building positive relationships. On the other hand, all faced with some typical boundaries of digital communication: a partial interaction, the tendency to report only some parts of the inner world, the risk of building a certain image of themselves which often leads to complacency [...] The desire to share, to establish "friendships", involves the challenge of being authentic, true to themselves, without succumbing to the illusion of building artificially own "profile" public. "

Later involvement deepens between preaching the Gospel and the proper consistency in social networks (presented as a specifically Christian presence in them):

Communicating the Gospel through new media means not only to overtly religious content in different media platforms, but also give coherent testimony own profile and digital communication mode preferences, choices and decisions that are deeply accord with the Gospel, even when not explicitly discuss it. Nor can post a message in the digital world without the consistent witness who advertised. In new contexts and new forms of expression, the Christian is called back to answer who asks the reason for hope. "

The last point addresses the question of the relationship between popularity and truth:

"We must become aware of everything that the value of truth we wish to share is not based on" popularity " or the amount of attention it causes. We must make it known in its entirety, rather than trying to make it acceptable, perhaps misleading. It must become everyday food and not attract a moment. The truth of the Gospel can not be an object of consumption or enjoyment superficial, but a gift that calls for free response. That truth, even when proclaimed in the virtual space of the network is always known to be embodied in the real world and in relation to specific faces of the brothers and sisters with whom we share our everyday life. So, remain vital human relationships direct transmission of the faith. "

These messages are accompanied speeches of particular value as directed by the Pope to the participants in the plenary assembly of the Pontifical Council for Social Communications in 2011 and headed the Pontifical Council for Culture in November 2010 held its plenary session addressing the issue "Culture of communications and new languages."

In the first, Benedict XVI briefly reviews the cultural transformation that are conducting social networking aspects such as language, not just verbal, developed in them:

"The new languages \u200b\u200bthat develop communication Digital determine, on the other hand, a more intuitive and emotional capacity than analytical point towards a logical organization of thought and the relationship with reality, often pictured privilege and and hypertext links. The traditional sharp distinction between written and spoken language also seems to vanish in favor of a written communication that takes the form and the immediacy of orality. The dynamics of the "participatory networks, also require that the person is involved in what they communicate. When people exchange information, and are sharing themselves and their world view: they become "witnesses" what gives meaning to their existence. "

then abundant in the risks involved: "the loss of interiority, superficiality in living relationships, the flight into the emotion, the prevalence of opinion more convincing about the desire for truth. And yet these are the result of an inability to live fully and authentically the sense of motivation. "

is here comes the urgent invitation to a "reflection on the languages \u200b\u200bdeveloped by new technologies. The starting point is the same statement, which gives testimony of how God communicated his wonders precisely language and the actual experience of men, "according to the culture of every age" (Gaudium et Spes, 58), until the full manifestation of the Incarnate Son of himself. Faith always penetrates enriches, enhances and enlivens culture, and this, in turn, becomes the vehicle of faith, which offers language to think and express themselves. It is therefore necessary to be attentive listeners of the languages \u200b\u200bof the people of our time, to be attentive to the work of God in the world. "

Although messages and speech are not a matter alluded systematized on the issue that gives rise to the text itself are magisterial guidance valid in that they fulfill a role of moral education.

is planned to publish two documents of particular value in this field, systematized actualize the doctrine of the Church in the treated area, one would be the Congregation for Catholic Education would be on the use of internet seminars and other emanate from the Pontifical Council for Social Communications, on line and thoughtful review of the new opportunities and risks of today's digital world, especially social networks.

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Keys to communicate the faith

found a video series with a lecture by the rector of the University of Navarra on keys to successful communication of faith. They date from October 2009 but the content, and illuminating, it is quite current. Summary: positive message, relevant message and clear message.

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Saturday, March 26, 2011

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Telecinco fired 89 employees in Sogecuatro ERE and ERE

Telecinco deleted
89 contracts with the Record of Employment Regulation (ERE) of Sogecuatro and CINTV, following an agreement reached with union representation and subsequent approval by the Education Authority, as reported by the company in a statement . Of these 89
labor contracts, 51 were members of CINTV (Company Independent Television News) and 38 to Sogecuatro. The total number of contracts has been extinct for 19% less than originally anticipated in the dossiers submitted last February by the Directorate General of Labour, which looked out of a total of 110 workers.
According to the company, These measures have been working out on a permanent priority of workers with part-time child care credits or heads of households and pregnant employees with maternity leave, among other situations, to address and mitigate the social prejudice the elimination of those jobs.
40 people, almost half of the 89 included in the ERE, have voluntarily accepted a plan proposed by expectancy Placement Telecinco, namely the possibility of being hired by the network and its affiliated companies to fill vacancies or new needs business that may arise during the 18 months after his discharge, with the aim of achieving the greatest possible number of placements. Via


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CINTV Infinita Renovables Eltec

biodiesel firm Infinita Renovables has signed an agreement with the template to start a Record of Employment Regulation (ERE) on the soles of Ferrol and Castellon to "power to keep jobs and ensure the viability of the company." Ferrol
plant in the foreign port Caneliñas, has fifty workers who will be affected by temporal and rotary ERE until December 2012. Isolux belongs to the group, and began production in June 2009.
terminal is the largest biofuels production Galicia with a potential annual production of 300,000 tonnes. Infinite
expects the central government through the Ministry of Industry, to take with "speed" measures that would enable them "to resume production" and stop "unfair competition from Argentine and Indonesian biodiesel."
blamed his situation to the presence in the markets for these products, a situation aggravated by "the lack of measures to English producers compete on equal terms."


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Regina Apostolorum University confers honorary doctorate "to Cardinal Sgreccia (videos)

In the context of the day dedicated to the anniversary of the founding of the Pontifical Regina Apostolorum , bioethics faculty conferred its first honorary doctorate "Sgreccia Cardinal, President Emeritus the Pontifical Academy for Life . The ceremony was attended by the director general of the Legionaries of Christ, Father Alvaro Corcuera, LC, Chancellor of the University, the Father Peter Barrajón, LC, Rector, Father Victor Pajares, LC, Dean of the Faculty of bioethics, ecclesiastical authorities, civic, academic and Italian military.

In the welcoming address, the Rev. Alvaro said that "We are living a historic moment that puts us ahead of many challenges, particularly so in the field of bioethics. In many nations, in fact, they are alive the debate on questions relating to respect for human life and dignity. In the Italian scenario, politicians, journalists, teachers, doctors, lawyers and other representatives of the various cultural spheres have done and make you feel your voice on this issue. In this primary and crucial field of bioethics emerged a figure, we might say, historical, scientific and ecclesial community, the reverence of His Eminence Cardinal Sgreccia. To you, Your Eminence, the power of bioethics will this confer the honorary doctorate. " A cultural gem that adds to its prestigious academic career and extraordinary pastoral life. You have been a researcher and a teacher of the highest level, one of the largest international biotech. But above all, You have been a man of the Church, a pastor who has loved and served with admirable zeal and dedication. And for this we thank you. "

Father Gonzalo Miranda, LC, during the "laudatio." Gonzalo's father was dean of the faculty of bioethics, the first in the world during the early years of the same faculty.

During the "laudatio 'used by Father Gonzalo Miranda, LC, was recalled that the Cardinal Sgreccia has been a global pioneer in the field of bioethics. Subsequently set out the positive influence of the thought of His Eminence, not only within the Church, and the motivations behind his work and research, born of his love for the Church and consecrated status.

Father Gonzalo Miranda LC 'Laudatio' Regnum Christi from on Vimeo .

In his "lectio magistralis" Cardinal Sgreccia said he was "head of many children I have found colleagues a sequel soon, stewards and disciples, especially in two institutions: the Faculty of Medicine, Catholic University and the congregation of the Legionaries of Christ, as well as many other institutions have collaborated in the development and diffusion of this discipline. " His Eminence thanked the role of Father Gonzalo Miranda, LC, among many other partners and teachers, supporting their work and research.

Cardinal Sgreccia instituted in 1985, the Center for Bioethics at the Catholic University of Rome. In 1992 he erected the Institute of Bioethics at the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery at the Catholic University of Rome. In January 1993 he was consecrated bishop. He has published nearly 400 journal writings Italy and abroad on this issue. In his curriculum also emphasizes the publication in 1986 of its first handbook of bioethics, a fundamental text translated into several languages. The Card. Sgreccia has been a member of the National Committee on Bioethics (Italy), and since 2004, president of the Foundation "Ut vitam habeant" and Association "Donum Vitae." It is part of the management team of the journal "Medicine and Moral" and is a member of the Scientific Council of the Faculty of Bioethics Pontifical Regina Apostolorum . As already mentioned, is also chairman emeritus of the Pontifical Academy in Life he worked most of his life, personality-based research in ontological foundations. He was created cardinal by Pope Benedict XVI in the consistory of November 2010.

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The" plagiarism "of L'Osservatore Romano

After reading a headline like the one presented in this article should be noted that sometimes serves as a support to capture the reader's attention and we must never remain Print only the header. This is the first teaching I want to emphasize.

Certainly there is a relationship between the title and a real event happened last March 24, 2011 in the newspaper linked to the Holy See. I refer to the article "sui Dubbie Dubbie" La Civiltà Cattolica. " Hacker in close della PREZIOSA pearl, signed by Luca M. Possati, and published in L'Osservatore Romano .

is a plagiarized text of an article previously published in the renowned and prestigious journal of the Society of Jesus, The Civiltà Cattolica (her, history, we have dedicated an earlier text. You can see from the following link ). The article in question, signed by the eminent Jesuit Father Antonio Spadaro , called "Ethics " hacker "and Christian vision" ("Ethical Hacker and Christian vision", cf. Quaderno 3858, March 19, 2011) , and explores "the ways of life and intellectual inquiry hacker, based on creativity and sharing" and then discuss the "compatibility with a Christian vision of life."

already in a blog entry posted on the personal the Father Spadaro said surprised to find plagiarized an article that also criticizes him: "Possati attributed to himself the things I say in my article and let me play the role of one of the" experts through learned and refined analysis , throw warnings about the limits and potential risks of the hacker culture '. "

course Possati Luca plagiarism can not be assigned without the newspaper where he works. In fact, the father points out in his blog Spadaro it "considers to L'Osservatore Romano a great newspaper. Among other things it has always been attentive, with elegance and professionalism, to the things I write. " At the same time stressed that his clarification plays Possati only text and not the newspaper as such.

What lessons can be drawn from this? First of all, that the mistakes of people (in this case the plagiarism of a partner) should not be awarded to institutions (in this case a newspaper). But not all. It also invites us to be critical of the information we receive and not easily satisfied with the first news or opinions that emerge.

Some have spoken of "social media poisoning," alluding to the daily news metralleo produce two reactions: indifference or credulity by the mere fact that were published here and there, not knowing who, how, where and with what got them.

Finally, I must say that the author of this post wrote this article for a debt of gratitude to the Father Spadaro . I am regular reader of your articles in The Civiltà Cattolica largely and I owe him quite a few of the knowledge I have on ethics and digital media. In the many articles I have written about the Internet, and specialized nature, and on an informative, very rarely has missed some reference to their analysis. It is my teacher and I could not stop saying, acknowledge and, to the extent possible, provide this space by virtue of justice.

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Friday, March 25, 2011

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Changes in government RemnantOnline

L'Osservatore Romano echoed in its edition of March 16, 2011 ("Cambiamenti nel governo della Compagnia della sfida per rispondere alle mission», p. 7 ) of the letter that the father Adolfo Nicolas SJ, Superior General of the Society of Jesus, went to the Jesuit family to announce the decision of a central government review of the congregation (the full letter can be read on the following link ).

The review is aimed at the restructuring of the secretariats of the Curia of the Society of Jesus was instituted three principal secretaries whose work will aim to answer three dimensions of the Jesuit mission: service to the faith, promotion of justice and cooperation with others. A particular ministry that affects the mission of the Society will have a secretariat as well (eg pastoral education and intellectual). Other fields of mission animation and also receive follow-up (eg interfaith dialogue, media, etc.).

father's letter also communicates Adolfo launches a "small commission in the General Council to discuss, discern and raise issues that have to do with our common mission. This committee shall consist of three central ministers, two general directors and the General himself. " Part of this group the following priests: Fr Giovanni Cucci (ITA - Culture - the Civiltà Cattolica), P. José Funes (ARU - Science, Astronomy - Vatican Observatory), P. Michael Paul Gallagher (HIB - Theology - Gregorian University), P. Daniel McDonald (WIS - Sociology - Gregorian University), P. Theoneste Nkeramihigo (RWB - Philosophy - Gregorian University) and P. Hans Zollner (GER - Psychology - Gregorian University).

portal image of the Society of Jesus where is published the letter of Father General.
Superior General's letter, addressed to all members of the Society of Jesus concludes by emphasizing that "The above changes respond to the invitation never forgotten that make our company and our tradition that we never lose sight of the goal of our company and we seek the most appropriate instruments to help us discern God's will and respond generous and effective way to call us to serve Christ in the world today. "

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Wednesday, March 23, 2011

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Society of Jesus: "Catholic opposition to the beatification of John Paul II Twitter

When you read articles that they say there is a "request to Pope Benedict XVI to stop beatification John Paul II signed by theologians of Catholic universities and directors of religious heads of four countries "(cf." Wojtyla: lettera aperta conservatory. Non sia Blessed, Maciel was amico "ASCA 03/23/2011) you come to think that something happened in Catholic News Agency , ZENIT, , American Magazine, Our Sunday Visitor , EWTN or RomeReports (among many other Catholic media that could be cited and do much good.)

But the text does not refer names so they must resort to the usual journalistic search. Soon we reach the source original: a modest entry into the digital publication The Remnant On Line entitled "A Statement of Reservations Concerning the Impending Beatification of Pope John Paul II" ("A statement of reservations concerning the imminent beatification of Pope John Paul II ").

might think that is just one of the manifestos of progressive theologians ... This time is just the opposite.

is a statement signed by 33 people (the editor of the newspaper to the head but also journalists, teachers and a couple of professionals from other fields originating in the United States Argentina, Australia, Norway, Germany, UK, England and Czech Republic), put online on 21 March. In short, is a manifesto with which Benedict XVI calls on non beatification of John Paul II for three main reasons: 1) there was public pressure that sped the beatification, 2) John Paul II has a troubling legacy and 3) miracle is doubtful.

The start of the questioned statement of Pope Wojtyla's exemplary as there 'may', they say, to discipline the flock entrusted. The first point appeal to massive pressure from people who asked for recognition of John Paul II a saint, so this would conditioned the beatification "of what value is popular acclaim for his beatification in a time when most nominal Catholics rejects any teaching of faith and morals which they consider unacceptable, especially the infallible teaching of the Magisterium on marriage and childbearing ? "he asked the authors of the statement.

The second section identifies the Polish pope as the cause of the process of de-Christianization of the world, presenting it as the culprit. Here are accused of a) the decline of the liturgy, b) the implementation and promotion of Vatican II, c) be «friend» the founder of the Legionaries of Christ and of having concealed cases involving the abuse issue, d) of the confusion raised after the meeting for peace in Assisi (1986 and 2002), e) of episcopal appointments crazy, f) action in the case of the schismatic bishop Marcel Lefebvre and other occurrences.

On the third point questioned the action of God in the miraculous healing through the intercession of John Paul II, the French nun.

Substance and shape of this particular discussion paper for its failure, several things. The first thing that stands out is the use of quotations from Joseph Ratzinger-Benedict XVI taken out of context to give weight and substance to his invectives and insights.

there an explicit confrontation with the Second Vatican Council and a visible nod to traditionalism Lefebvre. The exaggerations appear at different times of the text (for example, "Most Christians do not believe the people in the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist" or "the use of contraceptive methods is widespread among Catholics).

are not content with the scandal that is following the publication of the statement and go to the charge of specific individuals at different times (from Msgr. Piero Marini the current Cardinal-Archbishop Krakow). Proof? Quotes taken as reliable sources as The New York Times and Associated Press (just the two media in 2010, for the same dates, showed no mercy against Benedict XVI. We addressed this question in " abuse abuse ).

Colon filolefebvrismo very heart of interfaith encounters are for peace in Assisi and the apology of John Paul II for the sins of the Church in the past. Non-speaking lies, enough to read the two theological explanations that gave Joseph Ratzinger and the International Theological Commission (" The meeting in Assisi , 2002 "and" Memory and Reconciliation . The Church and the Faults of the Past respectively).

assessment that the signers of the declaration made on some gestures of Pope John Paul II is arbitrary: the interpretation is not taken within the context and gives space to the intent of the person who killed them. Judges constitute a pope.

Maciel on the case and had spoken in the past. One of the most authoritative is the prefect of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints (the dicastery - "dependency" - responsible for detailed analysis of the lives of candidates to be recognized servants of God, blessed and finally declared saints), Cardinal Angelo Amato. His remarks are particularly important in that it does know the process followed by the cause of beatification in every detail.

Asked specifically about the case of Father Maciel, Cardinal Amato responded and in two parts: a daily Avvenire (cf. 15.01.2011, p.3), and one at the magazine Famiglia Cristiana (no. 4, 2011, p. 18).

Famiglia Cristiana, the Catholic magazine more widespread in Italy, made his question: "In the past months, said the cause was in danger of having a delay related to the scandal of pedophilia: Karol Wojtyla would have protected Father Maciel, founder of the Legionaries of Christ. Have you also investigated the relationship between John Paul and Father Maciel?. " This Cardinal Amato said: "We confirm that we have investigated thoroughly and widely. John Paul II was not aware of the split personality of Father Maciel. "

At another point, a journalist Avvenire questioned the Cardinal: "Among the possible difficulties of the exercise of heroic virtue, has been also the question of the father Marcial Maciel, the founder of the Legionaries of Christ? ". The prefect of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints was blunt in his reply: "The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith reaffirmed that John Paul II was in no way involved in the issues concerning the dark side of the figure personality in question. "

The declaration, this analysis leaves little room for God's action and subtly questions the Pope's ordinary magisterium (a beatification comes within this field.) Doubt the miracle when it is not known the whole process and the same results, is nothing short of adventurous.

L'Osservatore Romano (cf. 16.01.2011, p. 8) asked in another interview with Cardinal Angelo Amato. The newspaper of the Holy See issues on which there were dissenting voices during the process of studying the cause of Karol Wojtyla. In this respect the cardinal Amato said: "By right, by practice, and also according to our regulations, the postulator must consider both texts as texts for against. From this point of view, the nomination has done a good job to dispel all the shadows. As I said in my inaugural address at the opening of the Studium, the work of the proponents is extremely serious and must be done scrupulously, because they carry out a particular form of collaboration with the Pope in his ordinary magisterium. "

said, well you can use a quote that the signatories are within their invective to contextualize and better locate his statement: "From some fissure the smoke of Satan has entered the temple of God." Sheepskin also can submit the Devil.

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Review: Moonlight, by Rachel Hawthorne

Hi everyone!! How's the week? Today I bring you a review of a book that happened to me something very rare. Did you ever occur while I do not care what you read about a book because you want it the same way? For it is precisely what has happened to me with Moonlight. As the reviews gave me or what I should tell him that I was infatuated with the book. I finally bought it and I've read. The result? Read on ...


Title: Moonlight
Saga: 1 º Hidden Guardians
Author: Rachel Hawthorne
Editorial: The Factory of Ideas
Category: Youth paranormal
Binding: Paperback with flaps
Year: 2010
Page Count: 256
Price: € 16.95
ISBN: 978-84-9800-613-1

Personal Summary (no spoilers):

Quote of the book (the Preface):
was hard to believe that just two weeks before I had been laughing and laughing at the mere idea that there might actually werewolves.
Because at that time I, Kayla Madison, was about to become one of them.

Kayla is a young teenager who spends the summer of his seventeenth birthday working as a guide (Sherpa) in a national park, the one where 12 years ago his parents were killed. For Kayla, or rather for the therapist Kayla, she is faced with what happened at the tender age of 5 years in this forest is the best you can come to overcome the fears that lurk.

What your therapist does not know is that their real fear not born of its past, but something that is within it and it seems increasingly desperate to get out.

Thus, Kayla sherpas with friends and especially with Lucas, will take a journey into a world as fantastic as wonderful and terrifying, recovering by the way his past and shaping its future.

Personal Opinion (no spoilers):

The history tells us Moonlight is quite simple. It has many mysteries, as in the prologue to know what is perhaps the most significant. Yes, there is something we do not know and we will reveal as the plot advances, but as I say that you will not lose any sleep, and most of you will see coming. The book I would divide it into two parts:

The first part occupies more than half a book, and There would be the story as a love triangle involving Kayla, Mason and Lucas. If I had to classify this part with a couple of words, be elected boring and absurd. Although some things happen in this part to me is boring a lot, and I assure you mine has cost me to continue reading. may be due in large part because it was quite absurd for the feelings and thoughts of Kayla , not only with respect to Mason and Luke, also, but for everything. this love triangle I have not found any sense, except an excuse to take Kayla where the author wants.

The second part would be when the character in discord disappears, giving way eventually to the couple . This second part is improving with each passing page, it solved a few mysteries of the plot and finally giving details on the werewolves of the world posed by the author. In this part of the book have a more coherent relationship between characters, particularly between Luke and Kayla (as expected), and thanks to this the book has a decent grade , because the last chapters I have but wonder itself which I found very cute and I have left a taste in the end quite nice.

Quote book:
- Wolves only take a couple for life.
I swallowed hard.
- So you've been waiting for ... say ...?
- All my life.
As for the characters we starring Kayla Madison, who unfortunately tells his story in first person . I say that because their thoughts are a real mess, not because it was unclear, but because many do not make sense. Reading has given me the feeling that the author wanted to capture the uncertainty that accompanies adolescence in the personality of Kayla, but I have seen more chaos due to continuing insecurity contradictions that I found. Is a character in almost no time have I come to understand, and most things he did or thought , especially in the first half but also in the second, I looked for anything consistent and enforced. For example, the following quotation:

Quote book:
Since the death of my parents I had refused to admit any feelings that might harbor. Lucas scared me because, at his side, sat down again.
and feeling, she could be hurt again.
And I never wanted to be hurt ever. But Mason never would hurt me.

The appointment Kayla would be very emotional and very sad for us would not be because previously we have been told that he loves her adoptive parents and her friend Lindsey. If that does not harbor feelings is called, somebody explain. And, as this quotation , many other equally contradictory. Not to mention that reach some conclusion with a delay so incredibly big even for a book that when he finally arrived, I was even absurd reaction.

On the other hand we Luke Wilde . This is a good guy and very responsible, but enough to know a little to see her gentle personality, protective and romantic. is certainly one of the characters that save the plot, if not the only (as the secondary "Interesting" do not have much prominence).

As side draw attention to other fellow sherpas Kayla and Lucas, as Lindsey, Connor, Rafe and Brittany, and they are the guilty that I had lost my with the plot to read their stories, as protagonists of the following books. However, except for a little Lindsey, are not discussed in any of them remain as mere side. Regarding the third wheel in the love triangle that lasts more than half the book, Mason , I can not say much because I have not passed almost anything ... insensitive and retailer, shy and bold, intelligent and shortie, simple and twisted ... is a mass of contradictions converted into character. appears when you need to say or do something and me not have found much more helpful.

The story of Rachel Hawthorne is incredibly simple , therefore, along with the history it presents, this book will look quite appropriate for a juvenile audience. For me it would have a problem reading it if it was not the author we repeated the same things in exactly the same words and phrases, so many times I've had a constant feeling of déjà vu. And I do not mean just the description of the thoughts of Kayla, but there are also parts repeating dialogues. This is not anything I liked, but if it joined the dialogue, situations and conclusions forced on many occasions I assure you the entire story has left much to be desired for my taste (and I'm not the they have super demanding) .

The edition physically beautiful, but if you remove the varnish and luminosity of the letters in the darkness had cheapened the book, I would have looked much better. The content I have to emphasize a certain phrase that is repeated and gives me is translation error "skin patted the wolf" ... I do not know about you, but I guess with that I peeled a wolf instead of a furry, as XD are supposed

Quote book:
- Everything has changed. Now I know better. It is as if you had done an intensive course of Luke Wilde. I feel things you never felt before.
- Good things?
- Things that scare me. Pretty nasty stuff. What if I'm not what you think I am?
- You mean you're not brave?
shy I let out a chuckle and shook my head.
- No ... that's what
- Do not have inner strength? Do not have courage? Going to change, Kayla, but I'm not sorry for you because you are going to change, but everything else is not going to change.

The bad? Well I've already mentioned that and that I will not repeat, but I will summarize. I have seen three great evils in this book :
1) The protagonist, Kayla , which the author has sought to give an insecure personality and shaping what has become a chaotic personality that I have found the quite incredible and incomprehensible.
2) love triangle, which in my opinion entirely by its lack of meaning. Not because I do not like the triangles, eye, but because Kayla's attitude about it has seemed terrible.
3) The narrative , constant repetitions and contradictions which made me think more than once that the author had forgotten what he had written earlier.

Conclusion: a book that had it not been for that final so cute that it would have been much more pain than glory through my hands. A very simple story is not anything new, but it does have nice details and some other mystery. The protagonist leaves much to be desired, but there are side biting curiosity, and Lucas is a heaven and his eyes will give us answers that love. Ultimately I found a reading for, at most, hang out, but I warn you that the principle can be reached rather uphill. Of course, If you can get pass this part you will meet sometime between the protagonists really nice and romantic ... but to read something like this I believe there are much better options.

Can I buy the next book? If Kayla was again the protagonist would say a resounding no, but as another girl, Lindsey, to be exact, things change. While the narrative is what throws me back, the truth is that this book gives us a dose of uncertainty about the protagonists of the full moon seems to me I will not be able to avoid snooping ...

(I've had to think hard, because if I see a 2'5 somewhat unfair,
March 1 consider it a bit generous, sincere)

A Besuki and thanks for reading!

PS: I feel that I can go on preparing for a good batch of reviews of adult romantic ... XD