biodiesel firm Infinita Renovables has signed an agreement with the template to start a Record of Employment Regulation (ERE) on the soles of Ferrol and Castellon to "power to keep jobs and ensure the viability of the company." Ferrol
plant in the foreign port CaneliƱas, has fifty workers who will be affected by temporal and rotary ERE until December 2012. Isolux belongs to the group, and began production in June 2009.
terminal is the largest biofuels production Galicia with a potential annual production of 300,000 tonnes. Infinite
expects the central government through the Ministry of Industry, to take with "speed" measures that would enable them "to resume production" and stop "unfair competition from Argentine and Indonesian biodiesel."
blamed his situation to the presence in the markets for these products, a situation aggravated by "the lack of measures to English producers compete on equal terms."
way. Finanzas.com
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