The internal investigation of the Junta de AndalucĂa on records of irregular employment regulation, which is almost complete, has produced a total 146 cases of alleged false retired early retirement in 5273 reviewed, although missing for compare 290 more.
The data were provided in the Andalusian Parliament by the Minister for Employment, which has highlighted that 97 percent of files reviewed did not present "no problem" and that currently a total of 5,563 workers receive aid in ERE "alive." Before a committee
surrounded by an unusual of media interest, the holder of Employment has stated that the internal investigation of the Board has reviewed 5,273 early retirees, 95% of the total, with about 290 missing beneficiaries of four companies.
Of those reviewed, about 5,127 no problems, while 59 have been detected irregularities in what he described as "others", ie have not associated with the company affected by ERE.
Research has found, in addition, 87 "administrative discrepancies" of cases that are linked to businesses but "not certain" of their relationship, both these cases as above the Andalusian Regional Government has sent to justice.
All these data are the joint itself is like telling a fox that has killed many chickens. God
country ... Elmundo Way.
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