Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Gold Biscuits At Dubai Airport In Different Sizes

5 years counted in a few words

"In mid-June (2009), Jessica Gottlieb published in Los Angeles, from I-Phone a tweet explaining that the Virgin plane where his children had an hour late for takeoff and probably not out in 90 minutes. Within minutes many of his 10,000 followers replied your message. The airline contacted her to explain the problem and that their children were good "(cf." And the money? ", Quoted in G. Warkentin," @ yaestoyentwitter. What is it, for it serves and why it is important to understand Twitter Mexico (before I understood the hard way) "in Expansión, August 17, 2009, 121)." Jessica Gottlieb What did you use? Twitter .

The example above could pass as one of the least important when considering the impact Twitter has had, among other areas, politics: In an article published in The New York Times , Mark Landler and Brian Stelter noted the impact of this platform into policy decisions (cf. Washington Taps Into a New Potent Force in Diplomacy , June 16, 2009).

is not very well remember how the May riots of 2009 in Moldova organized by Twitter Or the influence that this medium was civil unrest against the regime after the June elections the same year.

In March 2006, Evan Williams (who also coined the term and founded blogger platform, subsequently acquired by Google ), Biz Stone and Jack Dorsey threw Twitter, a form of socialization, through a company founded by them: The Obvious Coporation. Twitter is a neologism of the English verb tweet, tweet means. Hence also the image of the blue bird which is the symbol of the company.

dynamics Twitter is simple: there are receivers and transmitters. The latter can send messages over 140 characters ( tweet ) who have chosen to follow. The first ( followers ) receive these messages, but can also become issuers. In this simple methodology is Twitter. However, about its simplicity were born more than 11,000 new applications (modes of use) created by the users of Twitter .

Its success lies in the multifaceted and versatile that it: can be compared to an SMS (although Twitter is massive, online, and it does not cost. Even applications have been developed to run on I-Phone and BlackBerry . In Indeed, the idea of \u200b\u200b140 characters responds to a large extent, most mobile devices agree that number of letters, about 20 words, there are free programs - TweetDeck , Twitterfedd , Twhirl or Twitterific - which remain at the computer screen without entering the web of Twitter. Facebook has applications for i-Phone systems , Blackberry and Windows Mobile 6 ), with a blog (though certainly contain reduced but through which we can build, integrate and exchange information and ideas ) or, rather, a microblogging , with a search engine (there Twitter Search, a search engine that enables real-time updates on all tweets that are produced in the world. This has been a decisive factor in the growth of Twitter ) or the Messenger .

The base or starting point of this networking platform is a social question, "What are you doing?". It is better to refer to Twitter as a platform for social networks rather than network. Why? Twitter serves launching point for social networks. As said Antonio Spadaro, Twitter is "a hybrid application that includes dynamic content and information from various sources, a multipurpose tool (...) social networks."

poor would reduce Twitter a tool to waste time with trivialities banal as those who report even when they go to the bathroom or are in it. Companies see Twitter a source of income. That is the case of Dell, which reported earnings of $ 3 million thanks to his profile on Twitter . It has more than one million fans who want to see offers and discounts in real time. Over the tweets, Dell found out, for example, users complained about the proximity between the apostrophe key and laptop kick Dell Mini 9. editing Dell Mini 10 modified keyboard.

Or there is also an increase in visitors to the digital media through Twitter (See What about money?, Quoted in G. Warkentin, @ yaestoyentwitter. What is it, for it serves and why it is important to understand Twitter in Mexico (before I understood the hard way) , Expanding, 17 August 2009, 121).

In fact, the messages exchanged via Twitter enable companies to better know the habits of consumers. "The potential to replace Twitter in many ways a search engine like Google already seems proven. Because if there is to do some research, say, on Cervantes, we might find more accurate, authoritative and reliable make a query via Twitter and meet the recommendations of friends, instead of using the first results produced by Google "( Twitter: the world in 140 characters in ace press, June 23 2009). "

But not all: a Twitter user can add to a group with common interests (they are called twibe , neologism Tribe Twitter, Twitter Tribe) to keep abreast your sector of interest.

According Assante (cf. E. Assante, incorona Twitter Time "Così I mini-blog cambieranno il mondo" , La Repubblica, June 6, 2009), comparing the growth of Facebook and Twitter, the first to have grown by almost 700% while the second would have made in a 3700% (not without reason tried to buy Facebook Twitter over 500 million dollars. At the end of the purchase was not achieved). Nielsen says from 2008 to 2009 Twitter grew 2000%. Judging by the level of users, Twitter is not just a portal where teens abound: the average age is between 25 and 50 years and most are professionals

And the difference with Facebook ? Facebook In the interaction is required, in communication Twitter does not imply reciprocity because there is a sustained dialogue, for the most. According to HubSpot , halfway Twitter users have not actively used because they are not who they follow. According to , Twitter users are divided by continent in the following proportions: 1.4% Oceania, Middle East 3.0% Africa 3.6%, Latin America and the Caribbean 9.8 %, Asia 37.6%, 27.1% Europe and America North 17.5%. Anyone can add as follewers (follower), although this means that the issuer will establish relations with those who follow him. In addition, need not have an email address. Indeed it would be a misconception to think that personal relations can be established with a tool designed to report what is being done. Another serious mistake is to think that Twitter will provide depth and intimacy as a platform for friendship.

Perhaps Antonio Spadaro is a specialist who has bothered to correct definition of Twitter: "A recent definition of the phenomenon Twitter everywhere is that of messaging, which refers to the ability to send messages whenever and wherever you want: communicating synchronously, in real time, sharing news and events "(cf. A. Spadaro," Twitter "Change your nostra vita?, Second life: Il Desiderio di un'altra vita, La Civiltà Cattolica III (2009), 19. The translation is mine).

Five years after his birth, Twitter is becoming one of the most important digital media worldwide.

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