confess that I'm just not that of "international days of ... "but it seems necessary to remind us that there are still many things to improve on our planet earth. And we filled the mouth talking about human rights, freedom, democracy. That's fine, but then forget what should be normal and still is not.
And the reality is (among other things): - That woman has left home, the man entered and they are more concerned with children and the tasks home.
- having more difficulties in developing their careers
- That getting the same hours or more work still earn less than that.
already in this world there all, many good and less good, so I ask you - I invite you-to be more fair to women. That we all-as we must break many barriers so that more equity, so that nobody can be discriminated by the fact of being female.
Congratulations to all in tomorrow and by the way, also in the remaining days of the year. A beautiful loving kiss!.
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