Hi everyone!! Today we present two new sections to inaugurate in brief in the blog: Wandering with ... and Reviews Express. One of them begin in a few days, and the other does not take much longer to be released, so stay tuned ^ __ ^
Wandering with ...
rather special section that we do when we want, sinperiodicidad whatsoever. It is devoting a month to a book adaptacióncinematográfica we have love in all its aspects, and we spend all that time quemerece. Any idea with which we start? (Jujuju).
Express Reviews
As you pray the section title, these reviews in the quenas wandering in excess ... There are two reasons why we decided incluireste types of reviews:
1) Let us not much time apetezcadedicarle a book to review it, usually because we hagustado too much, because our review elaboracióndetrás take their time.
2) When two managers with similar tastes will give laocasión in which one of us read a book that has already reviewed the other. Inthis case does not make a proper review, but if we want more of a personal opinion sehará saying what we thought the book inquestion, without analyzing it thoroughly.
This type of review will be included in the reviews by title and porautor, not to make a new index, so close together they shall be to all take care to differentiate right fibula.
SURVEY RESULTS "you prefer the IMM ..."
The survey is complete and videos have won by 20 votes, so we will combine videos and photos, but only when the number of books permitted to make only one video (and You know the little problem you have with your camera ...). Arse That if the next IMM, which will hang this week with pictures, because we had already scheduled in this manner.
Here is the image of the result of the survey. Many thanks to everyone s for rating!
U besote n everyone!
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