L'Osservatore Romano echoed in its edition of March 16, 2011 ("Cambiamenti nel governo della Compagnia della sfida per rispondere alle mission», p. 7 ) of the letter that the father Adolfo Nicolas SJ, Superior General of the Society of Jesus, went to the Jesuit family to announce the decision of a central government review of the congregation (the full letter can be read on the following link ).
The review is aimed at the restructuring of the secretariats of the Curia of the Society of Jesus was instituted three principal secretaries whose work will aim to answer three dimensions of the Jesuit mission: service to the faith, promotion of justice and cooperation with others. A particular ministry that affects the mission of the Society will have a secretariat as well (eg pastoral education and intellectual). Other fields of mission animation and also receive follow-up (eg interfaith dialogue, media, etc.).
father's letter also communicates Adolfo launches a "small commission in the General Council to discuss, discern and raise issues that have to do with our common mission. This committee shall consist of three central ministers, two general directors and the General himself. " Part of this group the following priests: Fr Giovanni Cucci (ITA - Culture - the Civiltà Cattolica), P. José Funes (ARU - Science, Astronomy - Vatican Observatory), P. Michael Paul Gallagher (HIB - Theology - Gregorian University), P. Daniel McDonald (WIS - Sociology - Gregorian University), P. Theoneste Nkeramihigo (RWB - Philosophy - Gregorian University) and P. Hans Zollner (GER - Psychology - Gregorian University).
portal image of the Society of Jesus where is published the letter of Father General.
Superior General's letter, addressed to all members of the Society of Jesus concludes by emphasizing that "The above changes respond to the invitation never forgotten that make our company and our tradition that we never lose sight of the goal of our company and we seek the most appropriate instruments to help us discern God's will and respond generous and effective way to call us to serve Christ in the world today. "
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