Hi everyone!! How are you? I already recovered from a ski weekend ... is what sports is not very often, hahaha. Today I bring the review of the first book in a trilogy that promises to be tremendous. The second book will review the follower, because I could not stop reading, and if I have not read the third and final yet is because, unfortunately, has not been edited.
Title: Tears Dark
Saga: Trilogy Amazon (1 ยบ de 3)
Author: Arthur
Category: Youth
Binding: Hardcover with dust jacket
October 2009 Page Count: 266
€ 15 ISBN: 978-84-935413-2-3
Web trilogy click HERE
Personal Summary (no spoilers):
Quote book:
The god Poseidon, to earn the respect of its inhabitants, gave the people a source and the goddess Athena did the same gift to an olive tree. Men voted for the power of God and the women chose to present of the goddess. Women being more numerous, Athena won and has since become the protector of the city. But Poseidon is not readily accepted defeat and, enraged, sent floods and a triple punishment for women: from that moment could not return to vote or participate in public decisions, could not be called back to Athens, and I would not be allowed to put their daughters the name of their mothers.
3000 years ago the women of Athens lost all their rights, their destinations being subjected to the will of men. However, a group of women decided to fight for their freedom by escaping from Athens and other cities in a bloody night they would remember the rest of their lives. Women who escaped formed a new society of women-soldier considered legend to some, a society where hard-earned rights and its citizens, a society where they were free and what mattered was the collective, not individual. These women would be remembered by history as the Amazons.
Tears Dark immerses us in the society of Themyscira, the name by which the Amazons named the town they created with their own hands. Along with Aleida, a young Athenian Athens fleeing for their lives, not only know the lifestyle of these amazing women who were part of a legend but we will run into a battle to regain the rights that belong to them and they were unjustly taken away, then come to Themyscira in Aleida an inflection point where the Amazons have just decided his fate: to retrieve the city they were born.
Personal Opinion (no spoilers):
course there are times when you read a good review of books is not enough to understand what which is really fantastic, and I happen to be until I read Dark Tears I did not understand why this trilogy was reaping such positive reviews.
But not everything is an adventure, action and teaching lessons in this story, because we also moments that make us think on whether the path they are choosing the Amazons to chart their destiny is correct, we a situation that will bring us a smile, we will read facts we shrink the heart of the rawness that tell, and, of course, we have in our hands the beginning of a love story that promises to be truly nice.
Quote book:- [...] For us, war is not beautiful. Join Dark Tears is a chance to be recognized by the whole community, to serve our people surrender everything. [...] The Dark Tears live forever in the minds and hearts of those who come after. Will a war is more important than that?- guess not - said Aleida -. In some ways, is like winning the immortality ...- That's right. And I I be among them - said Arrow.
I note a completely open end that leaves your mouth open, hair on end and that makes you want to devour the next book without pause. I have to admit that what happens in the last chapter of Dark Tears was waiting for the second book, and when I saw it I thought it appeared in De Jeuffosse had made a mistake because with the remaining pages would have to hurry and tell all running. Nothing is further from the truth. The final takes place at the same rate as the rest of the book , with explanations necessary to accelerate in the action, pausing for some reflection ... I was frankly surprised and pleased, really.
The characters the author has created are really good, and each and every one of the Amazons deserves an altar for the physical and mental strength they possess, and for his determination in getting what they propose. Aleida is who will carry most of the weight of history. is a 15 year old has always enjoyed a certain position in Athenian society, and the overnight is found that, for some reason, it flee the city where he grew up because they want to kill her. Aleida experience a brutal change because Amazon will take the customs in record time. Is a character with his feet on the ground and mature with each page we go.
Another important character is Eunice, the Chief of the Army of Amazons. is one of the many women who fled from Athens and has become one of the pillars supporting the society of the Amazons, with the Queen Dasha. Eunice is clever, brave and very intelligent, this amazing woman and the fate of the Amazons is none other than recovering the city that were forced to flee, even if by force. Aleida who will put a different perspective of Eunice as to the fate that the Amazons have decided, inviting the reader to reflection.
Quote book:The Amazons had not chosen his fate, had chosen the only way to achieve it: to escape from the tyranny of man, that was totally excluded from democracy Athens, and go together into what the future holds.The destination was about to be voted.
Although Aleida and Eunice, bearing the weight of history, there are other great characters greatly enrich the plot, as is the case Dasha Queen, the young Amazon warrior to make friends with Aleida, the commanders of Eunice to train the younger Amazons or even some young allowing romantic point of history.
The story of Arthur Jeuffosse is magnificent. Use simple language (except of some specific terms of the warriors and the war) but very well maintained , so it's a pleasure to read this book, and joined the interesting thing about the culture and society that tells and thrilling action that will appear below read really fast. I must say that Arthur's Jeuffosse not beat about the bush and try to keep the reader in suspense mysteries various , on the contrary, as the author puts from virtually the outset cards on the table, so you know sure who is who, no doubt. The charm of this story is that, despite knowing most of the details, we will have no idea of how the plot will be developed and this will cause us to stay glued to the pages of the book to find out.
I note the great work that the publisher has done in the edition of the book. Has hardcover with dust, and at the top we have exactly the same as on the jacket , bar code included. But this is not what most caught my attention, but paper weight, that is significantly above the normal editions, and it shows the simple touch . In addition the book features explanations , some meanings of words footnotes , which is super for reading comprehension, and how many words are repeated continuously, they will learn quickly and need not return to find their meaning.
Quote book:The city had paid their mothers with the humiliation and deprivation of rights was now about to receive its response clad in armor, helmets and shields , and the spear and the sword instead of the word. The lamb had ceased to be to become a wolf. Motherhood was banned herself, determined not to create more life, but on death itself.
The bad? Yes, this book for me is a fallita, one in history and another on the issue. In the story lies in Aleida, in so sudden and radical change that has to get to Themyscira. changes in people are often promoted for some motivation or a goal, but Aleida not have anything like that. simply adapting to circumstances beyond belief, perhaps too much. Yet the book does not detract at all.
For editing there are certain offenses that, while not excessively damage the hearing itself that are shocking. What I have found no faults have been mislead as a "echo" with a "fact" but a misuse in many cases, the articles "will", "the", "what" and their plurals. not always, but sometimes that makes another frequently.
Something that is not bad, but rather something I've been missing has been released a little over the role of men in society of Amazons. While us to understand such aspects as for reproduction, in my opinion would have been very well that the author delves a little more life of the few men living in Themyscira.
Conclusion: a book that despite being in the introductory part contains adventure and action with a dose of drama, romance and a dash of humor at times. A reading that takes us into the Greece of 3000 years ago, an imaginary plot that could have been real, because the author mixes real events of history. A book that will accompany an entire society of brave and formidable women-soldiers who fight for something that is theirs by birth and who are not ready to be snatched them back again. While Dark Tears recounts a past where women were the slaves of men, there is an issue that is far from reality in some places today.
A Besuki to everyone and thanks for reading!
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